martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Day 3


Today we have been learning how to stop a robot without touching it. It´s done
by programming the robot that we have been using other days. It´s really good! This was done by using a sensor (ultrasonic sensor) which made the robot stop when it had something in front of it.

 We started to use light sensor, and we used it to stop the robot deppending on the sharpness of the table´s colours. This sensor will really useful for thursday´s fight.

When we had learned to use both sensors we combined them to race another circuit. This was really difficuls because we had to combine both systems and we had to program everything ok because if we didn´t do that it wouldn´t work as we wanted.

Later we learned to guide the robot through a black line, and we will be able to use this sensor for sumo fights (that are going to take place on thursday as I said before)

I hope you´re enjoying this blog.

See you next time! :)

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